sri lanka lion


The Sri Lanka Lion (Panthera leo sinhaleyus), also known as the Ceylon Lion, was a prehistoric subspecies of lion, endemic to Sri Lanka. It appears to have become extinct prior to the arrival of culturally modern humans,  37,000 years BC.

This lion is only known from two teeth found in depostits at Kuruwita. Based on these teeth, P. Deraniyagala erected this subspecies in 1939. However, there is insufficient information to determine how it might differ from other subspecies of lion. Deraniyagala did not explain explicitly how he diagnosed the holotype of this subspecies as belonging to a lion, though he justified its allocation to a distinct subspecies of lion by its being “narrower and more elongate” than those of recent lions in the British

collector: vietnam national with sri lanka blood

artist: luigi

location: morbid tattoo parlor in cash and carry mall makati manila.